Top 10 Summertime Energy Tips to Save
With summer half way over, are you doing all you can to conserve energy? It’s never too late to prepare your home for the summer heat. Here are ten simple tips that can help you stay cool, be green, and save on energy costs.
1. Keep your thermostat setting under control.
During the summer, turn up the thermostat to 78 degrees or higher throughout the day, especially when you are not at home.
2. Cover the windows.
Keep your window coverings closed on the south, east, and west windows during the hot months to help maintain a comfortable climate inside.
3. Switch from Incandescent to Compact Florescent Bulbs (CFLs).
CFLs last four to 10 times longer than traditional incandescent light bulbs – and they only require one quarter of the energy! Take a look at all of those bulbs around the house – it adds up.
4. Use appliances efficiently.
Do only full loads when using your dishwasher and clothes washer. Use the cold water setting on your clothes washer when you can. You can conserve up to 75% of the energy required to run the washer by using cold water. Also, be sure to clean your clothes dryer’s lint trap after each use and take advantage of the moisture-sensing automatic drying setting on your dryer if you have one.
5. Save the dryer.
Use a stand-alone clothes rack to dry your clothes. If you must use your dryer, try to dry two loads consecutively to make the most of the heat you generated the in the first load.
6. Install Lowflow water fixtures.
Save energy while saving water. A low-flow showerhead can reduce your water usage by two thirds.
7. Take Showers.
Start taking showers instead of baths. Baths consume two and a half times more hot water than a shower.
8. Set your ceiling fan in reverse.
Something as simple as setting your ceiling fan in reverse will circulate the warm air, pulling it away from the ceiling and cooling off the room. Ceiling fans use about the same electricity as a 100-watt light bulb and costs just pennies a day to run.
9. Use the microwave.
Whenever possible, use the microwave instead of the oven. The microwave uses two-thirds the amount of energy as a regular oven.
10. Be smart with home electronics.
Turn off your computer and any other home office equipment when you’re not using them. Also switch to a flat-panel monitor and you’ll use one third of the power compared to conventional monitors.